Thursday, April 25, 2024

3 Ways to Improve Your Mobile Content Marketing Strategy


In 1019, we’ve seen many companies investing in mobile content marketing to reach out to a wider audience and keep customer satisfaction rates high.

The latest statistics from Blue Corona show the following tendencies that shaped the state of content marketing this year:

  • currently, up to 70% of web traffic happens on a mobile device
  • consumers spent more than five hours a day on their smartphone
  • online video traffic from mobile devices grew almost 90% this year
  • millennials are the most active group when it comes to using mobile devices to access the Internet, with over 81% of individuals aged 18-24 going online from smartphones

Blue Corona claims that two out of every three minutes people spend browsing the Internet from their mobile devices. This means that they consume content mainly through this channel, making it compulsory for every self-respecting company to invest in a mobile content marketing strategy.

What is a mobile content marketing strategy?

Mobile content marketing strategy is an approach to reach your audience using smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices via creating tailored content for mobile versions of websites, email, social media platforms, and apps.

Thus, it is a multichannel marketing strategy aimed at retaining customers and increasing customer satisfaction.

It is a common misconception that creating a mobile content marketing strategy only involves creating a responsive design. In reality, however, it is a multi-faceted approach aimed at making your business accessible via mobile devices on multiple channels.

Now, let’s take a look at what makes a great mobile content marketing strategy. These tips can be helpful both for those who already run a mobile content marketing strategy as well as those who are on their way to launch it.

1. It All Starts with the Audience

Just as with any marketing strategy, the primary step to launching a successful mobile marketing strategy is defining mobile audience personas.

However, in a mobile content marketing strategy, creating a target audience persona is a bit different than for a general content marketing strategy. Besides demographics, needs, and challenges, you need to include:

  • main sources of information that they use via their mobile devices
  • habits of using mobile devices (what source of information they check first)
  • types of online content they prefer

So, here’s what you would get as a result:

The type of an audience persona can differ depending on the specifics of your product and business in general.

Whatever your target audience persona may be, there is always one clear goal behind making one up – it gives you the necessary intent, for whom you’re creating your mobile content marketing strategy.

To build this intent, you should follow content writing guidelines that are the foundation of the goal-oriented writing:

  • Breaking your target audience persona description into sections to help you group all the information.
  • Using bullet lists to help track the points in your description easier.
  • Proofreading, using the resources for the best writing helpGrammarly to avoid grammatical or stylistic mistakes that can make the intent behind audience persona description a bit blurry, or Hemingway App to improve overall readability.

What resources can help you define a target audience persona for your mobile content marketing strategy better?

The more details you get about your target audience persona, the better. You can go to Google Analytics to get extensive information about who visits your website, and which visitors usually convert into leads. This will help create a mobile content marketing strategy for your website.

Apart from a responsive website, you should also pay attention to the content you put up on your social channels. With this, you can use analytics tools on the platforms of your interest.

For instance, you can find the best-performing types of posts, as well as how each post prefers individually:

On Twitter, you can look up the main interests of your audience if you’re looking for ideas for your mobile content marketing strategy:

Considering this data in your content marketing strategy is a part of a method called social listening. This kind of social data can come in handy if you are developing the list of posts to go for your social media mobile content marketing strategy.

2. Test Your Mobile Content Marketing Strategy

There is always room for improvement.

So, once you have your mobile content marketing strategy set and ready for your target audience, test its performance and how well it is allied with your goals.

One of the best and most widely used approaches to testing your mobile content marketing strategy is A/B testing.

Also known as split testing, A/B testing involves dividing your audience into usually two parts (A and B) to test different variations of your content marketing campaign.

So, let’s say you have prepared a video to post on your website. You’ve adjusted it make it mobile-friendly, but you also want to test how your audience would perceive it if it were an interactive video.

So, according to A/B testing method, you:

  • Split your traffic into two ‘parts’, for the audience that will see a simple video, and for another audience that will see an interactive video.
  • One audience becomes a Control group, and the other one becomes a Challenger/Variation group.
  • After a certain period of time, you conduct a user experience test to determine, which type of content performed the best (can be tracked via Google Analytics).

What else can you determine with the help of A/B testing for your mobile content marketing strategy?

  • posting schedule and frequency
  • content type (alongside with tools like Google Analytics and social media analytics tools)
  • content writing strategy (headlines and CTAs in particular)
  • content length

The traffic which you will divide into two parts should be fully organic. With A/B testing, you should be prepared that you’ll also have to wait a while before you get considerable results. Nevertheless, it’s one of the best methods to test your mobile content marketing strategy, as it is completely user-oriented.

3. Watch Your Voice Search

Optimizing your content for mobile search (following mobile SEO guidelines) is an essential step in creating a mobile content marketing strategy. But the users of mobile devices don’t only search for things by typing their queries in.

They also use voice search.

Voice search was among the top methods to find information online in 2019. According to Dialog Tech:

  • 65% of 25-49-olds speak to their voice-enabled devices at least once per day
  • 71% of wearable device owners say they plan on switching to voice search completely in the future
  • 93% of respondents own a smart assistant and are very happy with its voice search feature

Since more and more people become the owners of smart home assistants, it’s no longer a choice for brands, whether to optimize their content marketing strategy for the voice search or not.

It’s a must.

To optimize your mobile content marketing strategy for voice search, you need to take into account the following aspects:

  • The intent: for a voice search, there are three types of intent, according to which you should organize your content – informational intent (how-to posts, guides, etc.), navigational intent (location of your brand, your services, etc.), and transactional intent (product information, customer reviews, etc.).
  • You should divide your content according to its intent with the help of keywords, which a voice assistant can later recognize to answer a query.
  • If we’re talking about a mobile content marketing strategy for your website, you should optimize your website’s speed. Page speed is one of the key mobile ranking factors, which impacts on voice search results as well.

You can also add Google Actions – the feature that expands Google Assistant’s or Alexa’s ability to have a back-and-forth conversation with the user by using voice commands. By doing so, a smart assistant can answer a series of follow-up questions coming from the users.

Skyrocket Your Mobile Content Marketing Strategy

Unless you’re living under a rock, you should know the value that a proper mobile content marketing strategy.

It helps you become omnipresent by optimizing content for all your platforms that users can access through a mobile device. You get the traffic and high-quality leads, and consumers get the chance to access your brand from any device they’re using.

However, your mobile content marketing strategy needs to be regularly tested to make sure that it is in line with your goals. Hopefully, our tips will help you improve your mobile content marketing strategy to skyrocket your brand and improve your engagement rates. 

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